91.7.1 - GB/IE
InstructIons pErtaInInG to thE InstaLLEr
Figure 12
Turn the control box downward to access terminal boards M1 and M3 used for the electrical connections by
removing the protective covers (see figure 12).
Terminals M1 a – b:
connection of the primary loop pump for the heating system (PLP)
Check the correct size and rating of the pump by referring to its hydraulic resistance table.
Terminals M3 11 – 12:
connection for heating pump (P1)
Terminals M3 13 – 14:
connection for hot water tank pump (PDHW)
The electrical specifications of the pump must be as follows:
230 V AC; 50 Hz; 1 A max; cos
> 0.8.
If the specifications of the installed pump are different, a relay must be wired between the boiler control circuit
board and the pump.
It is advisable not to adopt any electrical connection other than those described.
14.1 connecting tHe pumps
connect earth to earth strip