7. Rate
[Chorus, Vibrato, Flanger, Phaser]
Adjusts the oscillation speed of the LFO.
Adjusts the rotation speed of the rotary speakers.
8. Depth
[Chorus, Vibrato, Flanger, Phaser]
Adjusts the oscillation depth of the LFO.
Adjusts the rotation speed of the rotary speakers.
9. Voice
[Chorus, Vibrato]
Adjust the number of voices generated by the effect. More voices results in a
lusher-sounding effect.
Adjust this control to select among four different types of flanging modes: Voice 1 is “positive
narrow mode,” Voice 2 is “positive wide mode,” Voice 3 is “negative narrow mode,” and
Voice 4 is “negative wide mode.” The positive and negative mode designations indicate
positive or negative feedback is respectively applied with the effect. The narrow and wide
mode designations indicate the different sweeping ranges for the flanger.
Adjusts the angle between two virtual microphones: voice1 = 0 degrees, voice 2 = 45
degrees, voice 3 = 90 degrees, and voice 4 = 180 degrees.
Adjusts the number of stages used by the phaser: voice1 = 2 stages, voice2 = 4 stages,
voice3 = 8 stages, and voice4 = 12 stages. The more stages used, the more hollow-sounding
is the resulting effect.
10. Feedback
Adjusts the signal level being fed back into the wet signal chain.
11. Wobble
[Chorus, Vibrato, Flanger, Phaser]
Adjusts the secondary LFO. Turning on Wobble results in some randomness in the Depth setting.
Adjusts the ratio of the horn speaker and woofer speaker’s relative rotation speeds.
12. Width
[Chorus, Vibrato, Flanger, Phaser]
Adjusts the width of the effect’s stereo image.
Adjusts the virtual mic’s distance to the woofer speaker (a higher value is equivalent to a closer
mic position).
13. Offset
[Chorus, Vibrato, Flanger, Phaser]
Shifts the center point of modulation.
Adjusts the crossover frequency for the horn and woofer speakers.
14. LFO
Adjusts the shape of the LFO waveform. Sine (Top left) and Triangle (Bottom left) usually provide
a more subtle and controlled effect, whereas Pulse (Top right) and Rounded Pulse (Bottom right)
add some stutter to the effect.
15. Output
Adjusts the overall output volume.