Using a smoke pellet, check that there is an up-draught in the
chimney / flue and that the smoke can be seen issuing from the
terminal / chimney pot outside.
There must be no leakage of smoke through the structure of
the chimney during or after the smoke pellet test and it is
important to check inside upstairs rooms / loft spaces adjacent to the
chimney / flue
. Check the chimney pot / terminal and general condition of
the brickwork or masonry. If the chimney or flue is in poor condition or if
there is no up-draught do not proceed with the installation. If there is a
history of down-draught conditions with the chimney / flue, a tested and
certificated flue terminal or cowl suitable for the relevant flue type should
be considered.
A spillage test must always be carried out during commissioning of
the appliance.
This stove must only be installed on to a concrete or non-combustible hearth. The
hearth material must be a minimum thickness of 12mm with the top surface at
least 50mm above the floor. The hearth must be fitted symmetrically about the fire
opening and project at least 50mm from the base of the stove in all directions.
This appliance is fitted with an spillage sensing thermal switch. This is designed
to shut the fire off in the event of a partial or complete blockage of the flue causing
a build up of combustion products in the room in which the fire is operated.
following are important warnings relating to this spillage
monitoring system
The spillage monitoring system must not be adjusted by the installer.
The spillage monitoring system must not be put out of operation.
When the atmosphere sensing thermal switch is exchanged only a
complete original manufacturers part may be fitted. It is not possible to
replace individual parts on the pilot system on this appliance, only a
complete switch assembly (including the connecting wires) may be