The table extension scale pointer () should be at 6 in.
(406.4 mm) on the scale when the extension is in the
closed position. If not, loosen the holding screw (),
position the pointer over 6 in. (406.4 mm) and retighten
the screw.
Fig. KK
AdJuSTINg cAm LOcKINg LEvEr (fIg. LL)
If the extension table moves when it is open and locked,
then the cam locking lever () may be loose and need
adjustment, therefore, adjustment to the cam locking
lever is necessary. To adjust the locking lever tension,
turn the bar () with a 0 mm wrench until it is tightened,
but do not over tighten.
Fig. LL
Under Table View
5. If fence is loose when the handle is in the locked
(downward) position, do the following:
Move the handle () upward and turn the
adjusting nut (5) clockwise using a 0 mm wrench
until the rear clamp is snug. Do not turn the
adjusting screw more than /4 turn at a time.
Over-tightening the adjusting screw will cause the
fence to come out of alignment.
Failure to properly align the fence can cause
“kickback” and serious injury could occur.
Fig. II
rIp fENcE INdIcATOr AdJuSTmENT (fIg. JJ)
The rip fence indicator points to the scale on
the front of the table saw. Measurement shown by the
indicator will provide the user with accuracy up to
/6 in. (.6 mm). Measurement shown is the distance
from the blade to the side of the fence closest to
the blade.
. To check the accuracy, measure the actual
distance () to the side of the rip fence. If there is a
difference between the measurement and the
indicator, adjust the indicator as shown next.
. Loosen the indicator screw (). Slide the indicator to
the correct measurement position on the scale, then
retighten the screw ().
Fig. JJ