It is very important to use only u-law or a-law as all DTMF is inband.
So if you want to be able to do some DISA when you call from GSM to
Asterisk, it has to be one of these 2 codecs.
These settings seem to be ok, just adjust ...
20.3 Antenna position
Another important thing is to properly place the provided antenna.
If your gsm reception is good, you should get around 18 or 19 as Signal
Quality in the "Mobile Status" page.
With that level of signal quality, your audio quality will be very good.
On the other end,the signal quality down to 11, audio becomes very jerky.
So, maximum signal quality = maximum audio quality.
20.4 Asterisk configuration
Once the MV-372 is set, you have to configure Asterisk.
On that side, you have to setup files as follow :
20.5 sip.conf
; GSM VOIP Gateway MV-372
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