In vehicles with Sekuriflex windshields, the plastic coating on the
inside of the windshield must not have gummed labels put on it or
be cleaned using abrasive agents or dry methods. If very dirty, it
can be cleaned with benzine. The use of benzine in a confined e n -
vironment may be dangerous to your health. Make certain that the
plastic coating is not damaged in cleaning by hard objects such
as jewelry or wristwatches.
Do not remove ice on the inside of the windshield by any means
except warm air from the defroster nozzles. Do not use any deicer
sprays, scratching tools, or scrapers!
A foil b a s e m u s t be applied to the windshield prior to application of
a n y l a b e l s or stickers such as those used for state registration or i n -
spections. Failure to utilize foil base between sticker or label and
the Sekuriflex coating will result in damage to the Sekuriflex coat-
ing. Three foil bases were included with the vehicle and additional
foil bases may be ordered from any Porsche dealer.
1. Clean the windshield in the area for application.
2. C u t the b a s e of the foil to the required size. R o u n d o f f the edges.
3. Pull off the protective film.
4. S p r a y the g u m m e d side of the foil b a s e and the windshield with
a soap solution (distilled water and liquid soap or greasefree
detergent in a mixing ratio 10:1)
5. Apply the foil base to the windshield and spray it once again.
6. A n y liquid and bubbles under the foil b a s e m u s t be brushed out
using a flexible plastic scraper.
7. Dry the windshield using a soft cloth.
8. Install label / sticker on the foil base.
W h e n r e m o v i n g the l a b e l / sticker or the backing foil, first s p r a y the
foil with a soapy solution (see point 4).
Wiper blades
Always loosen frozen wiper blades from glass as they may tear
Remove all wiper blades periodically and clean them thoroughly
with an alcohol base cleaning solution. Use a sponge or soft cloth
and wipe lengthwise.
To seal properly, weatherstrips around hood, windows, doors etc.
must be pliable. To retain flexibility of the rubber, spray with sili-
cone, coat with talcum powder or glycerine to retain flexibility of the
rubber and to protect against freezing in the winter.
Light alloy wheels
To p r e s e r v e the decorative appearance of the light a l u m i n i u m cas-
tings, s o m e special care is n e c e s s a r y , Aside from r o a d dirt and salt
sprays, brake metal dust will exert corrosive effects.
If left on too long, brake metal dust can cause pitting. Wash the
wheels with a sponge or hose brush every other week.
Roads salts should be removed weekly with an acid free cleaning
Summary of Contents for 92854
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