Tips you'll want to know about the limited new
vehicle warranty
Porsche Cars North America is proud of the quality of automobiles
it imports. Porsche warrants new Porsche vehicles for a period of
2 4 m o n t h s f r o m the d a t e o f first u s e o r purchase, regardless o f mi-
l e a g e . In g e n e r a l , the vehicle including battery and tires is covered
under the provisions of the Limited N e w Vehicle Warranty which is
specified on the preceding p a g e s . This w a r r a n t y will be honored by
any authorized Porsche dealer in the continental United States,
Hawaii or Canada. The warranty does not apply to any accessories
or other i t e m s which m a y be installed by the d e a l e r , but a r e n o t sup-
plied by Porsche. Please make it a point to ask your dealer about
specific warranties on such items.
This warranty is automatically transferred without cost if the owner-
ship of the vehicle changes within the above period.
Y o u , as the o w n e r of the vehicle, h a v e the responsibility to provide
regular maintenance service for the vehicle, in accordance with
Porsche specifications, as outlined in the maintenance schedule.
We recommend that maintenance and warranty services be per-
formed by authorized Porsche dealers. T h e y k e e p a s e r v i c e history
file for each customer, and they have trained mechanics and spe-
cial tools to provide fast, efficient service, in accordance with
Porsche quality standards. For your records, the dealer will give
you a copy of the repair order and stamp the service fields in this
A m a i n t e n a n c e record should be k e p t as well as dated bills of other
than authorized P o r s c h e d e a l e r s as p r o o f that these services were
perfomed when required.
If any emergency warranty repair was performed by a non-Porsche
service shop, secure the paid r e p a i r o r d e r a n d the replaced parts. A
statement of the given circumstances, together with the paid re-
ceipts and the replaced part, should be given to your dealer for
reimbursement consideration. Emergency repair cost will be reim-
bursed only if the vehcile cannot be driven and there is no autho-
rized Porsche dealer in the vicinity.
N o t all repairs, adjustments and replacements, h o w e v e r , a r e the re-
sult of defects in material and workmanship. In addition to regu-lar
maintenance, there are circumstances beyond the control of the
manufacturer that m a y make a workshop visit necessary. Weather
and atmospheric conditions, varying road surfaces, indi-vidual
driving habits and vehicle u s a g e a l s o influence the n e e d for s e r v i c e
and maintenance.
Therefore, the following items are excluded from this warranty:
• Service adjustments such as tune-up, b r a k e and clutch adjust-
ments, timing, idle speed/mixture adjustments, headlight and
belts adjustment, replacement of service items, such as spark
plugs, gaskets, filters, lubricants, fluids, b r a k e pads, clutch disc
and wiper blades.
• Wheel alignment and wheel balancing may become neces-
sary due to conditions beyond the control of the manufacturer,
such as driving habits, rapid starts and stops, tire skidding, pot
holes and curbs or other accidental damage.
• Paint, metal or plastic, trim and other appearance items are
affected by normal wear and exposure. Proper care of these
can add to their appearance and durability. Imperfections are
normally apparent during or shortly after New Vehicle Delivery.
Please report any imperfection to your dealer immediately.
Summary of Contents for 92854
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