28x95x35 mm
Hardware Platform
IP Class
IP 20
Battery Type
1 * 1/2 AA
Device Type
Notification Sensor
Generic Device Class
Sensor Notification
Specific Device Class
Routing Sensor Notification
Network Operation
Reporting Sleeping Slave
Firmware Version
Z-Wave Version
Z-Wave Product Id
Supported Command Classes
Sensor Binary (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Association Grp Info (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Device Reset Locally (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Central Scene (s2 Unauth)
Zwaveplus Info (unsec)
Supervision (unsec)
Configuration (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Alarm (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Manufacturer Specific (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Powerlevel (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Firmware Update Md (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Battery (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Wake Up (s2 Unauth)
Association (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Version (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Multi Channel Association (unsec+s2 Unauth)
Security 2
Transport Service (unsec)
Explanation of Z-Wave specific terms
— is a Z-Wave device with capabilities to manage the network. Controllers are typically Gateways,Remote Controls or battery operated wall
— is a Z-Wave device without capabilities to manage the network. Slaves can be sensors, actuators and even remote controls.
Primary Controller
— is the central organizer of the network. It must be a controller. There can be only one primary controller in a Z-Wave network.
— is the process of adding new Z-Wave devices into a network.
— is the process of removing Z-Wave devices from the network.
— is a control relationship between a controlling device and a controlled device.
Wakeup Notification
— is a special wireless message issued by a Z-Wave device to announces that is able to communicate.
Node Information Frame
— is a special wireless message issued by a Z-Wave device to announce its capabilities and functions.
Support and Contact
Should you encounter any problem, please give us an opportunity to address it before returning this product. Most questions regarding Z-Wave wireless
communication standard can be answered through the international users community such as www.z-wave.info and others. If your question can’t be answered there,
please use www.popp.eu/support or contact us by email: [email protected]
While the information in this manual has been compiled with great care, it may not be deemed an assurance of product characteristics. Popp & Co. shall be liable only
to the degree specified in the terms of sale and delivery. The reproduction and distribution of the documentation and software supplied with this product and the use of
its contents is subject to written authorization from Popp & Co. We reserve the right to make any alterations that arise as the result of technical development.
Phone: +49 (0) 40 537 98 13 339
eMail: [email protected]
Web: www.popp.eu