Step By Step Instructions
Numbers in parenthesis refer to parts shown on page 3
To open the cover box, use scissors to cut
the bands that hold the two halves of the
box together. Never cut the top of the box
open. Doing this could easily damage the
cover inside. This kind of damage is not
covered under the fabric warranty. With the
bands cut, lift and remove the top of the
Standing behind the housing looking over
the pool, unroll the cover from left to right.
This will ensure the cover will be right side
up when it is unrolled.
Uncoil the ropes to remove twists and kinks.
Run the ropes through the tracks. There are
two methods that can be used.
Running Ropes in the Tracks
The preferred method of running the rope is
to allow a short length of the rope to extend
outside of the track. Hold this portion of rope
and pull the rope along the length of the
track toward the end of the pool.
Turn the track back over. Feed the rope
through the pulley cartridge assembly (12).
Insert the pulley assembly (12) onto the end
of the track. Pull the rope all the way to the
cover box end of the track.
Alternate Rope Feeding Method
Another common method of running rope
in the track is to pierce the rope with a small
piece of wire. This wire then becomes the
pulling handle as you feed the rope into the
end of the track.
Routing the Ropes
Begin on the motor end of the mechanism. Run
the rope from the track so it travels straight from
the track to the first pulley. Extend the rope out
the back side of the pulley.
Turn the track over to insert the rope into
the return channel.
If the track was installed before running the
rope, use a fish tape to pull the rope down
the return channel in the track.
© Latham Pool Products, Inc. 201
. All rights reserved.
Opening the Cover Box
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