1. Use only cold water when filling Herbert.
Fill water slowly, since it takes time for the water to flow down to the watertank and
overfilling is possible. Ponix Systems recommends to pour water through the right hole of
the lowest module.
2. Algea growth can occur but will not affect the operations of Herbert. Remove algae
during cleaning and maintenance to avoid clogging.
3. Pest infestations can never be fully avoided. Washing hands before touching plants is
advised. Infestations on young plants can be removed by taking out the plant with the
plant pot and washing it manually with cold or luke warm water. If plants are too large to
clean dispose of plant and sponge to avoid contamination of other plants.
4. Use Ponix Systems’ fertilizer in recommended dosages only once seedlings are visible or
if plants show nutrient deficiencies (yellowing of leaves). Ponix Systems recommends to
change the water completely every 6 months to avoid nutrient imbalance or for plants
unsuitable pH values.
5. Do not keep the light on 24 hours per day - plants require a day/night cycle.
6. Plants in Herbert grow quickly and large - harvest plants regularly to make sure that light
stays evenly distributed over all three levels.
7. The plant light stops shining when the water tank is empty (status LED is red).
When refilling water, it will only turn itself back on once the status LED turns green.