DIVERTER FITTING USE; diverts direction of return water entering the pool,
see part #20 FIG.5. You
can adjust the fitting by loosening the LOCKING RING see part #21 FIG 5. The DIVERTER FITTING can
be used to help generate clockwise rotation of the pools water toward the SKIMMER intake opening area
of your pools wall. To do so slightly loosen the LOCKING RING and rotate the DIVERTER FITTING up-
ward pushing water horizontally under the waters surface pointing away from the SKIMMER Intake area.
DO NOT POINT it directly toward the SKIMMER this will deeply decrease
skimming and filtration. Tighten the LOCKING RING to hold the DIVERTER
FITTING in the desired position you choose. You can position the DIVERTER
FITTING downward later to assist in keeping sediment from building along the
bottom of your pool.
USE; allows you to vacuum your pool,
see part #29
FIG.6 The VACUUM ADAPTER is included with the SKIMMER unit, it will
be necessary for you to purchase a Vacuum, Vacuum handle, and a Vacuum hose
from your local pool supply retailer, also your home improvement centers, and
large retail stores sometime carry these as seasonal items and they range from
economy to deluxe.
3. To install the VACUUM ADAPTER turn off your pump, remove the WEIR part
#28 FIG. 6, see the section on WEIR installation page 5 (step E) and reverse
the process by lowering the WEIR and sliding it out through the openings in the
FACE PLATE part #23 shown in FIG 6. Place the WEIR in a safe place because
you need to reinstall it after vacuuming so that your skimmer operates properly.
4. Next attach your vacuum to it’s handle and place the swivel end of
the hose on the vacuum unit and lower vacuum into the pool. Place
your vacuum hose into the pool (it will float somewhat), keep the
remaining end near the DIVERTER FITTING, now turn on the
pump and hold the hose up to the DIVERTER FITTING filling the
hose, this primes the hose with water pushing out the air. The hose
will sink as it fills. Now that the hose is filled, turn off the pump
again and slide the VACUUM ADAPTER into the SKIMMER
opening and attach hose to the adapter. Now start your pump, keep-
ing the vacuum under water at all times during this process. Now
you can move your vacuum along the bottom cleaning your pool.
Never Use the hose alone without the vacuum attached, liner
damage could occur, also Never vacuum with the Strainer Bas-
ket removed or Filter out, pump blockage and damage will oc-
cur. Never leave hose hanging out of the pool because a siphon
can occur draining your pool.
5. When you finish vacuuming turn off the pump once more. Slide
the VACUUM ADAPTER out of the SKIMMER and reinstall the
WEIR back into place. Remove the hose and vacuum draining the
hose back into the pool as you raise it out of the water. Remove the
STRAINER BASKET, empty and rinse it, also remove your FILTER CARTRIDGE and clean it according to
instructions page 6 step 4. Now place the FILTER CARTRIDGE back in and add your chlorine tablets, install the
It’s a good practice to store the Vacuum Adapter, Vacuum Unit, Vacuum Hose, and Handle in a good loca-
tion to prevent damage or loss and possible UV weathering which might result in early failure.
FIG. 5
FIG. 6