What are these numbers all about? Letʼs take a look at the example:
C5 (turquoise) > Note and octave or note-off (OFF/CUT/FAD),
14 (yellow) > Instrument number,
H 30 (purple) > Fx1 – a letter or a symbol indicating the type of used effect and the
number right representing its value,
P -2 (blue) > Fx2 – the same as in Fx1.
Note: Fx in the Polyend Tracker are not necessarily audio effects as one will find in other
types of electronic music instruments. They often serve more as automation/modulation
information. Each Fx has a different letter and separate effective value associated. They
offer 25 automation options and an additional 5 MIDI CC commands and MIDI Program
An onscreen Fx
description popup
is available while in the Pattern sequencer view. Press and
hold one of the colored Fx keys to show the Fx list and use the corresponding screen button
underneath in order to expand their description with the available parameters and their
ranges (see the full list in the Appendix).
Step/note length is a distance between a note and next note or “note off” (shown as
OFF in the pattern).
To enter a note-off value (OFF) turn the jog-wheel all the way to the left,
When note hits the note-off (OFF) Envelope Release is being run,
Use CUT (cuts the sound immediately) and FAD (gently fades the sound out).
Change the currently edited step properties (Note/Instrument/Fx) by using the four
colour corresponding Function keys to toggle between their values.
Entering a Note always inserts the number of an Instrument and vice versa – entering
the desired Instrument inputs a default Note value. When these step properties are
already present on the desired step, add one or two Fxʼs with their own values too.
Unlike most of the classic trackers, Polyend Tracker is offering hexadecimal values
display only for the sequence step enumeration. To simplify the understanding of the
workflow it is using a decimal system for values/data entering only.
Hold down the Pattern screen button to see the occupied/stored patterns/pads.