element indicates this condition with red flashes of the LED diode. The alarm reset in the control
panel results in the relay contacts return to the initial position. It is possible to disable actuation of
the monitoring and controlling element relays in the control panel in two ways:
system elements disablement, or
the EKS element disablement.
Both methods are equivalent.
The monitoring and controlling element actuation depends on the actuation variant set in the control
panel ‘EKS Configuration’ menu.
The monitoring and controlling element enables transmission to the control panel of the following
conditions occurrence:
activated relay;
technical alarm input 1, input 2
in case at least one of two EKS element inputs changes its
status to the adverse one (depending on the operation mode), information about this event
is sent to the control panel. The control panel signals this occurrence as a technical alarm;
short circuit isolator activation;
relay actuation disablement;
relay fault;
short circuits isolation;
EEPROM memory fault
incorrect data saved in the EEPROM memory;
output line continuity fault;
output 1, output 2 line fault
in case a short circuit or break occurs in at least one line
connecting The EKS input with the monitored or controlled device, the EKS element sends to
the control panel information about a line fault;
output 1, output 2 non-maskable fault - in case at least one input is programmed (operation
modes) to monitor the controlled device and this device is activated, and it does not change
its status after the elapse of the T
time defined by the operation mode, the EKS element
sends to the control panel information about a non-maskable fault.
The way how the monitoring and controlling element works is determined by the element operation
mode. During the system automatic configuration, the default mode settled by the manufacturer is
set, i.e. 10000000 in the binary recording (80 in the hexadecimal recording). It means that the EKS
monitors the controlled device line continuity; the relay actuation will take place after 2 s, the second
input operation way is set at NO, the first input operation way is set at NO, the controlled device
actuation is not monitored by the first input and the controlled device actuation is not monitored by
the second input.
The monitoring and controlling element operation mode is set with one bite data in which every bit
means the element actuation and operation way.
In case any current draw from the controlled device power supply source is impermissible, it is
possible to abandon the line continuity monitoring function. It means that the monitoring circuit
does not draw 535
µA current. For this purpose it is necessary to dismantle the EKS
module, take out the jumper located on the printed board edge near the relay and assembly the
module. An alteration in the EKS-4001 operation mode is necessary
it can be achieved by switching
off the controlled device line continuity monitoring. The operation mode can be set from the menu
in two ways:
entering the setting in the hexadecimal recording in the Operation mode field;
selecting the EKS element operation way from the Operation mode submenu.
The monitoring and controlling element is furnished with two inputs that react to non-potential
contacts switching on and off. The control panel indicates this change as a technical alarm. For the
monitoring and controlling element proper operation it necessary to connect resistors in accordance