: during the first 500 Km don’t exceed the ¾ of the accelerator opening and
avoid to cover long upward runs putting with engine under strain.
: both during the running-in and after never try getting the
highest power before achieving the best running temperature. Bedding of the various parts
will be obtained after an average of about 500 km. We suggest to set up the engine,the car-
burettor and the variator with great care. This kit has been studied for extreme performance
at high rev. Wrong calibration could compromise the engine performance. We suggest using
the original Polini Motori spare parts listed in our catalogues or in our web site
Ø38,4-41-43 kits carburetion
: Dell’Orto SHA 13-13 carburettor with special Polini
filter, main jet 52-56.
Ø46 kits carburetion
: max. jet 64-68
: mm. 1,8 before the Upper Dead Centre
Spark plug
: Champion L82C
It’s extremely important to follow the above mentioned instructions, carburetion
and spark advance parameters. There is the risk to have an excess of heat that could cause
the seizure of the cylinder.
General suggestions
: to fit and disassemble the muffler never force the end part of the
muffler but, using a screwdriver, force between the cylinder and the exhaust manifold.
: using a grinder (picture A) remove the broken line zones according to the
indicated dimensions; after grinding it remove the sharp corners using a thin emery cloth.
: expand the intake pipe (where the carburettor fits) using a Ø 13 round file
(picture B, external view). Expand the window, visible inside the case (picture C), being
careful not to modify the K and Z measures, which must be the original ones.
: Avant de commencer le montage du nouveau group thermique, lire
attentivement le certificat de garantie ci-joint.
: le montage du kit ne comporte pas de difficultés particulières, mais requiert une
série de précautions qu’on vous conseille de suivre attentivement.
Pour le montage du kit Ø 38,4 - 41 - 43 il faut enlever le moteur du châssis. Seulement
pour le kit Ø 46 il faut ouvrir le carter moteur, enlever le vilebrequin et les goujons de
fixation du cylindre, monter les carters et les aléser au diamètre de 50,6 mm et à une
profondeur de 34 mm. Pour augmenter ultérieurement l’écoulement des gazes, on conseille
de raccorder les transferts du carter moteur avec ceux du nouveau cylindre et de modifier le
KIt PIaggIo CIao-BraVo-BoXEr-sI-CBa-ECo-grILLo
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