Click the Language drop-down list to select the desired language.
Digital Zoom
Click the zoom in / zoom out buttons to zoom in / out the camera live
view. Click the Home button to go back to the home position.
Marquee Mode: Select this mode to drag around a portion of the live
view window you want to zoom into with your mouse.
Normal Mode: Select this mode to set the zoom level in the magnified
window. You can roll the mouse wheel to zoom in / out the camera
live view. Clicking on the magnified image will re-center the image
around that point.
One Push
The One Push buttons can be displayed on the live view window by
enabling the
Show One Push Buttons
function in the
Live View
Layout Settings
7.1.4 Display and Overlay
White Balance: To enable the button (turned from faded to clear), on
the Setting > Advanced > Camera Settings > Image, select
One Push
from the mode drop-down list in the
White Balance Settings
field and
click the Apply button.
Once this is done, clicking the
White Balance
button on the Live View Window will instruct the
camera to adjust the white balance settings, and these settings will be active until the button is
clicked again. This is like a “semi-automatic” way to adjust white balance to suit the user, if the Auto
or Manual mode does not give the result the user wants.
Alarm I/O Control
Click the
Input Trigger
Output Trigger
buttons to trigger the alarm input / alarm output directly
from the window. If you have configured an event (in the Event List) that will trigger a reaction (like
a recording) when an “Alarm Input” event occurs, clicking the
Input Trigger
button will trigger that
reaction. If you have connected the camera alarm output to an external device, click the
button will trigger that device.