Drive and Brake Systems
9923396 - 2007-2012 EDGE/Widetrak LX Service Manual
©2011 Polaris Sales Inc.
26. Reinstall bumper plug.
27. Reinstall and secure muffler.
28. Install battery, air box, oil tank, and coolant recovery
29. Loosen rear idler bolts.
30. Reinstall driven clutch and spacers onto jackshaft and
31. Reinstall clutch offset washers on jackshaft and install
driven clutch. Using the clutch alignment tool, adjust
driven clutch to achieve proper offset.
32. Widetrak models have no float on driven clutches.
Use shim washers (PN 7555734) to create gap
between shaft and cover washer only.
33. Torque driven clutch retaining bolt to specification.
34. Lift and support rear of unit and align track to
specifications found in the Maintenance section.
Make sure rear idler wheel spacer location is correct
before tightening idler wheels.