• Recording Options - This allows you to add/remove the channel listings
from this series that will be recorded as well as add extra time to the end
of the recording.
• Series Info - This will bring up more detailed information for the series
and an overview with some additional browsing options for this series.
DVR Storage Full
Keep an eye on your storage capacity in the
upper-right corner of the DVR. If you set a new
recording that will put you over your storage
limit, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm
it, the oldest program in your DVR will be
deleted to make room for the new recording.
If you record a lot of content, you can upgrade
your DVR storage capacity by calling customer
service at 800-284-7222.
Storage Capacity
Keep an eye on your
storage capacity in the
upper right of the
15/25 hours
DVR Usage and Replay TV
All recorded content with Polar Streaming TV is stored in an offsite server
and not on your device. There is a limit to the number of hours available
for your DVR storage but
Restart and Replay TV don’t count. Restart and
Replay TV are entirely new concepts, and something to consider before
scheduling DVR programs.
Polar Streaming TV offers FREE HD content included in the service. If we
have the channel in HD, we broadcast it to you in HD. No extra channels,
costs, or hassle.
If you are watching a channel that is usually in HD but appears to be of
a lower quality picture, it is either because the Internet bandwidth is not
strong enough to support HD content, or the video is being received and
broadcast in SD quality from the channel. Please refer to the online or
printed channel lineup to see if the content is offered in HD. The online
guide can be found at www.polarcomm.com/video