The guide is reminiscent of traditional television in that it is a channel-
based way to browse live and upcoming content as well as filter content by
movies, sports, kids, or subscribed channels.
To navigate the guide:
• Apple TV:
Swipe left/right to navigate backward or forward in time.
- Swipe up/down to navigate through the channel numbers.
• Android TV & Amazon Fire TV Devices:
- Press right/left to navigate backward or forward in time.
- Press up/down to navigate through the channel numbers.
- Hold up/down to quickly navigate channel numbers.
When a currently playing program is highlighted, press the
Select button
once for a quick show description. If the show is on now, a live sample of
the show will display to the right of this information for a sneak peek. Inside
the quick view, you can also set recordings as well as go to the full show or
movie details page.
If you navigate to the far left of the guide screen past “On Now,” a pop-up
overlay will appear for
Replay TV (see page 16). Press the Select button to
explore the Replay content by channel.