Page 23
Parameters Settings
When the wall pad is off, press and hold
for 5 seconds to enter Parameter Setting
Mode. Press
to select parameters from 1 to 20.
Parameter 1: Unit Type,
0=Air Cleaner, only Fan mode available. It displays Temperature, RH, CO2, PM2.5, VOCs.
1=FCU, Cooling, Heating, Fan, Dehumidification and Auto modes available. Only displays Temperature.
2=AHU, Cooling, Heating, Fan, Dehumidification and Auto modes available. Only displays Temperature.
3=AHU + Air Cleaner, Cooling, Heating, Fan, Dehumidification and Auto modes available. It displays
Temperature, RH, CO2, PM2.5, VOCs.
Parameter 2: Temperature Display, 0 = Celsius, 1 = Fahrenheit.
Parameter 3: Sensor Display, 0 = Room temperature value, 1 = Set temperature value.
Parameter 4: Temperature Range Setting, 0 = Range from 16~30
C, 1 = Fixed at 24
C when Cooling and
C when Heating.
Parameter 5: Temperature Band, from 1 to 9, default: 1.
Parameter 6: PM2.5 Setting: 30~200, default: 60
Parameter 7: PM2.5 band setting: 10~80, default: 50
Parameter 8: CO2 setting: 460~1200, default: 800
Parameter 9: CO2 band setting: 100~500, default: 200
Parameter 10: Reserved
Parameter 11: Reserved
Parameter 12: RH setting: 30~70, default: 50
Parameter 13: RH band setting: 10~30, default: 10
Parameter 14: Unit address setting: 0~31, default: 0
Parameter 15: ESP setting: 0~100%, default: 40% when Parameter 1 setting is 2 or 3
Parameter 16: Reserved
Parameter 17: Unit configuration setting, 0=2-pipe with valve, 1=2-pipe without valve, 2=4-pipe with std
valve, 3=4-pipe with 6-way valve
Parameter 18: Reserved
Parameter 19: DA1 function-When Parameter 1=2 or 3, Parameter 19=0: Fan control signal is based on
Tr, Ts PID calculation. Parameter 19=1: Fan control signal is based on ESP PID calculation
Parameter 20: Offset of sensor in wired wall pad: -5~5, default: -3
Parameter 21: EH type, 0=without EH, 1=EH as booster, 2=EH as primary
Parameter 22: Room temperature setting, 0=room sensor in wired wall pad; 1=room sensor in main PCB