Sencil: a TTTl TTr drawing Thin lines;
Marker: a TTTl TTr drawing Thick lines;
Eraser: a TTTl TTr remTving lines and TexT;
Back: cancel The lasT TperaTiTn;
TurrenT drawing/TTTal numTer TT drawings: change
The currenT drawing;
New: sTarT new drawing;
DeleTe drawing;
ExiT applicaTiTn.
TT save a picTure, TTuch
icTn. The currenT picTure will Te
saved TT The
My Pictures
TTlder in The rTTT TTlder TT The Device.
In addiTiTn,
applicaTiTn is used TTr ediTing graphic nTTes.
Opens LiTrary in The mTde TT viewing images (dTwnlTaded
TT The TTlder
). The Tpened phTTT is displayed in a Tull-
screen mTde. TT seT a phTTT as
Power-off Logo
, TT
Tr view
aTTuT iT, TTuch The Tull-screen image TT
swiTch TT The ediTing mTde and press menu sign in The righT
Summary of Contents for Touch Lux 5
Page 1: ...User Manual...