Getting Started
When you first get your machine you will need to remove shipping bolts, install into the
enclosure, hook up an air supply, and install the tool.
Removing Shipping Bolts
Note, this step can be seen in video form here:
from 0:10 to 0:35
There are four shipping bolts installed in the Pocket NC in order to lock the axes in position and
prevent damage to the machine during shipment.
These bolts must be removed before the machine may be used. The bolts are M6x8x25
shoulder bolts. The 4 mm hex key is needed to remove them is included in the kit shipped with
the machine. The bolts are installed only hand-tight.
Do not discard the bolts. They should be retained with the rest of the machine packaging in
case the user needs to ship the machine in the future.
The locations of the 4 shipping bolts are shown in the images below. Two of the shipping bolts
are located behind the Y-axis. When the user is looking at the back of the machine they are
located in the lower-right quadrant of the machine.