PNI Sensor
TRAX2 User Manual Aug 2021
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Thank you for purchasing PNI’s TRAX2 Attitude & Heading R
eference System (AHRS) & Digital
Compass module.
The TRAX2 employs a proprietary Kalman filtering algorithm that
intelligently fuses PNI's patented Reference Magnetic Sensors with a 3-axis gyroscope and 3-
axis accelerometer. The result is an orientation device that provides accurate heading information
under a wide variety of conditions, including its ability to overcome errors normally caused by
erratic motion and/or changes in the local magnetic field. The advanced features of the TRAX2
make it ideal for a variety of applications, including:
Ocean buoys
Unmanned ground and underwater vehicles (UGVs and UUVs)
Manned ground and underwater vehicles
TRAX2 combines PNI’s high sensitivity magneto
-inductive sensors with a high stability 3-axis
MEMS accelerometer to provide accurate heading information under a wide variety of
conditions and the ability to overcome errors caused by changes in the local magnetic field. This
provides no drift, high accuracy heading, pitch and roll and long-term static accuracy.