Alarm: The alarm recording function includes: Motion detection, lack of image, loss of video
Manual recording: Click the button and the corresponding channel will record regardless of
the current status.
Stop: Click the button and the corresponding channel will stop recording regardless of the
current status.
Note: The Advanced button opens the following menu: Up Window, Show desktop, Copy, Paste,
Default, Restore the Storage, configuration of the storage unit).
1.1.2 Playback
There are two ways you can play the recorded files on the internal HDD:
- Right click on the screen - Playback
- Right-click on the screen - Main Menu - Record - Playback
Note: The internal HDD you want to play records should be set in read-write mode.
Icon description:
Slow playback
Fast forward
Fast backward
Next frame
Previous frame
Next file
Previous file
Full screen
Cyclic play