Pressing this switch will display a small OFF light within the switch, and all
of the geometry on the overhead panel will be removed, dramatically
reducing the amount of work done by your computer to animate the
overhead panel. You can still operate the overhead panel from the 2D
cockpit, or you can simply switch the overhead panel back on
momentarily to make adjustments, then hide the overhead panel
functionality again when you are through.
Since the MD-11 is so heavily automated, There are not operations
conducted by the crew on the overhead panel. We included this switch
because some users have reported that eliminating the overhead panel
switches caused slight performance increases on their machines. Your
experience may vary.
When this switch is pressed, operation of items on the lower, forward
threshold such as light switches are still available.
When you need access to switches on the overhead panel, simply press
the switch again and all of the animated geometry will reappear.
Conversely, you can also access portions of the 2D cockpit overhead
panels by assigning them to key commands using the PMDG Options
Keyboard Commands menu. This will cause the 2D panel portions to be
available to you while flying from the Virtual Cockpit.
While in the VC, you can also expand your cockpit displays by clicking
directly on them. This will cause a 2D popup window to appear displaying
the desired display unit.
MCDU Keyboard Capture On/Off Clickspot:
As in the PMDG 747-400,
some users will find that it is easier to enter flight plans and information to
the MCDU by entering data directly via your computer keyboard. This