Plexus, Plexus Key Telephone, PVT-30D is registered
product name used by BBS Access. All other copyrights and
trademarks used in this documentation are the properties
of their respective owners.
Disclaimer of Liability:
BBS Access provides features in its telephone systems that
are designed to enhance business productivity and in no
way endorse or encourage illegal recording or monitoring
of phone conversations. It is the sole responsibility of
each company, business, manager, and individual user
to verify and follow the applicable city, county, state, local,
and national laws with regard to using any recording or
monitoring feature of the Plexus telephone system. BBS
Access, its management, employees, and distribution
partners, claim no responsibility and accept no liability in
the individual operation of such features by any person,
user, business, company, or their respective employees.
All rights reserved. This manual may not, in whole or in part, be copied,
photocopied, reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic or
machine-readable form with prior written consent of BBS Access Pte Ltd.
Part No. MANPVT30D000
TOC.indd 2
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1/4/2006 9:27:59 AM
1/4/2006 9:27:59 AM