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electrIcal dIstrIButIon
The Ford excel is equipped with an
iota distribution panel that houses the
breakers for the 110 volt system and
the blade fuses for the 12 volt system.
The distribution panel is located on the
passenger side bed frame in the TD
model and on the passenger side rear
ottoman in the TS model.
remove the large vertical smoked
plastic cover panel to access the 110
volt breakers or the small horizontal
cover panel for the 12 volt fuses.
12 Volt manual reset
Breakers and conVerter
output fuses
Your motorhome has manual re-
settable breakers. if you have the
optional electric rear sofa, you will
have four manual resetting breakers.
These manual re-setting breakers are
labeled. access to these breakers is
through a compartment door found
on the passenger side underneath the
furnace. These breakers have a 40, 30,
20 and 15 amp capacity. The 40 amp
breaker controls the power converter,
the 30 amp breaker controls the power
sofa, the 15 amp breaker controls the
refrigerator when it’s running on 12 volts,
and the 20 amp breaker controls the
air compressor. There is also an 80 amp
charge-line breaker.
if you are experiencing any difficulties
with your power converter, refrigerator,
electric sofa or charging system while
on 12 volt, check these breakers first
to determine if they are tripped. There
is a small re-set button located on the
copper post end of the breaker. Simply
push it in if it is tripped. 80 amp coach
battery reset under the center bar.