The city water connection is located in the driver side utility
center. The city water connection is a convenience for you when
you have access to an outside, pressurized water source. The city
water system bypasses the fresh water holding tank and feeds
the water lines directly so that you will not have to use the water
pump. When hooking up the city water connection you should
make sure that the water pump switch is turned OFF and that all
water faucets are CLOSED.
1. Open the driver side utility center.
2. Remove the insert from the city water connection
3. Attach a garden hose to the connection using a rubber
washer to ensure the fitting is tight.
4. Turn the water source on to medium pressure.
5. Check for leaks at the city water connection, as you may
have to re-tighten this connection.
To disconnect the city water system, first turn off the water
source, then open a faucet to relieve some of the pressure in the
lines, and then unhook the water line.
It is advisable to use a water pressure regulator because
excessive pressure may result in water line damage.
The fresh water tank drain is located under the passenger side
running board, just under the sliding door. This drain is connected
directly to your fresh water tank and will allow you to drain the
fresh water tank when the vehicle is not in use.
The vehicle is also equipped with low point drain valves. These
valves will allow you to drain all the fresh water lines in the vehicle.
The low point drains are located in front of the drivers side rear
axle spring mount. Access to the valves is gained from under the
vehicle, in front of the driver side rear tire. To use these drains
ensure all water taps and the toilet valve are in an open position.
Hot water line
Cold water line
Recirculation line