Merlot CoMpaCt
MODELS #318-320-71
and #318-430-71
Questions, problems, missing parts?
Before returning to your retailer, call our
customer service department at 1-877-447-4768,
8:30 a.m. – 4:30
p.m. CST,
Monday – Friday.
iNStaller: leave this manual with the appliance.
CoNSUMer: retain this manual for future reference.
iF tHe iNForMatioN iN tHiS MaNUal iS Not FolloWeD eXaCtlY,
aN eleCtriCal SHoCK or Fire MaY reSUlt
CaUSiNG propertY DaMaGe, perSoNal iNJUrY or loSS oF liFe.
iMportaNt iNStrUCtioNS
pleaSe reaD tHiS MaNUal BeFore iNStalliNG aND USiNG appliaNCe
Español p. 12
attaCH YoUr reCeipt Here
Serial Number ________________________________ purchase Date _________________________________
Wa r m i n g Yo u r H o m e. W a r m i n g Y o u r H e a r t.
Francais p. 23