Halo Two Player Service Manual
Online Troubleshooting
Possible Cause
Gaoe cannot connect to CoinUp®
No IP address appears under Test
Connectons oenu
No broadband internet service
Contact a local ISP to setup either
cable oodeo or DSL service.
Wrong/ router confg/uraton
Confg/ure router for DHCP (Dynaoic
Host Confg/uraton Protocol).
Disconnected Ethernet cable
Checkd that Ethernet cables are
tg/htly connected at both ends. An
audible clickd confros tg/htness.
Reboot g/aoe. In Diag/nostc oode,
select Online, then Test Connecton.
Confro that IP address appears. The
phrase eth0 oust follow IP address.
Faulty Ethernet cable
Test cable by connectng/ it froo
another PC into router or wall jackd.
Replace cable if faulty.
Faulty Ethernet wall jackd.
Plug/ Ethernet cable into a diferent
Broadband service is down.
Contact ISP.
Faulty router
Plug/ Ethernet cable into diferent
jackds in router. Plug/ Ethernet cable
directly into DSL or cable oodeo
instead of router.
Replace router if faulty.
Faulty networkd card
Call CoinUp® service
Possible Cause
Gaoe has IP address and screen
Server Ping Success
but Test
Connecton screen reports
Database Ping/ failure or File
Server Ping/ failure.
Firewall is blockding/ cooounicaton
with server.
Read frewall docuoentaton.
Ensure confg/uraton allows ICMP
If router has built-in frewall, checkd
router confg/uraton.
Enable cooounicaton on ports 80,
443, 7786, and 7787.
Database or File Server is down
Wait 30 oinutes and revisit Test
Connecton screen.
If stll reportng/ failure, call CoinUp®
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Pag/e 16