Regular Gun Maintenance Procedure
In order to oaxioize incooe potentale keep the cabinet in optoal workin/ order by perforoin/ the
followin/ procedure every toe you eopty the cash box.
Verify trigger functonality
Press the Test button on the service panele select Testse select Input Testse and then select
Switch Test (described earlier in this oanual) to ensure the tri//ers are functonin/ properly.
Verify reload functonality
Verify reload oechanisos are functonal on all /uns.
Calibrate, calibrate, calibrate
Return to the Main Menu screen and select Gun Calibraton. Follow the instructons earlier in
this oanual or on screen to calibrate all /uns.
Calibrate the /uns any toe the /aoe is ooved or the /uns are repairede replaced or swapped.
Note: It is not advisable to replace or swap devices while power is on. Shut AC power of before
connectn/ or disconnectn/ any cooponents. Ife for sooe reasone /uns are chan/ed while power is one
shut of AC power and reboote afer the /uns are connected a/ain. Failure to do so oay result in
incorrect functonality.
Following these procedures is
maintaining your guns and maximizing revenue.
Perform regular maintenance to keep your game
in top working order.
Pa/e 13
Halo: Fireteao Raven Gaoe Sofware copyri/ht 2018 PlayMechanix™ Inc. All ri/hts reserved.