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a video to help you set up the
Setup Video
1. Level camper with jockey wheel/leveling blocks and lower all stabilizer legs,
you must level camper before opening.
2. Make sure the winch hook is securely attached to the eyelet on the front of
the camper.
3. Undo the latches on each side of the camper
4. Let out a bit of slack on the winch rope
5. Push the floor up and walk it towards the back of the camper until the winch
rope catches it.
6. Winch the floor over until it sits level on the ground. Zip on the sides.
7. Swap the winch rope over to the eyelet on the forward fold of the camper
8. Winch the floor up until it is a 90 degrees
9. Support the floor as the gas struts gets hold and lower it onto the front t-bar
10. Unzip main door of main tent to access the inside
11. Place the two number #5 tent poles at the corners of Rear main tent floor
12. Place two #6 poles in the corners at the bed end of the camper.
13. You then need to place two #4 poles between 2 & 2 on either side.
14. Next a no. 15 between the 2 & 1 (refer to pole map)
15. Tighten everything up.
Main Tent Opening