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Plasson Poultry Division, 105 Ilan St. P.O.B. 108 North Industrial Estate Or - Akiva 30600, Israel 

Tel: +972-73-2413001 Fax: +972-73-2413221  E-mail: [email protected]

03/11 - 6804

N i p p l e   D r i n k e r   S y s t e m   I n s t a l l a t i o n   M a n u a l










Install a suspension and winching system above the 
chosen location of the line. Make sure all pulleys are 
properly aligned at intervals not exceeding 3.0m (10') 
and that the  first pulley is located directly above the 
beginning of the first section

• Filter must be installed before line header kit.
• If water is supplied from a header tank, the hight of 

the header tank bottom must be at least 3 m (10') 
above floor level.

• If water is supplied from a main pipe line, In-coming 

pressure to header kit should be 1.5 bar (22 psi), max. 2 
bar (30 psi).

• Lines must be level. Maximum permitted drop of line 

without slope regulator: 15 cm (6").

• If there is a slope, the water inlets (line head kit) must 

always be on the upper side.

• Maximum length of line: 120 m (400').

  Some restrictions may apply in breeder, pullets and 

turkey houses. See individual instructions.

• When using a shocker wire, install 4 suspension clips 

per section.

• Lines should be parallel to the floor.
• Cord adjuster should be positioned near the aluminium 

profile so that between flocks, the system can be raised 
as close as possible to the ceiling.

• Before operating the system, the system must be 

flushed thoroughly with high pressure.

General instructions

After the entire line has been
assembled, make sure it is properly 
aligned, without distortions. Then 
tighten up all the nuts on the 
connecting pieces.



Global Presence - Local Commitment
