A quick reference list of standard commands and their description are:
A Attention, put IBEAM in REMOTE mode
AB Set A/B ratio
AC Auto cathode mode
AV Set accelerator voltage
B Turn beam on/off
BE Set beam current tolerance
BI Set beam current
BV Set beam voltage
CI Set the cathode filament current
CL Set the cathode filament current limit
DL Set the max discharge current limit
DT Set the Discharge current threshold
DV Set the discharge voltage
F2 Display the software version and build
M Set the power supply mode
NE Enable/Disable E-24 error for E/B
NI Set the neutralizer filament current
NK Enable/Disable front panel keypad LOCK
NL Set the neutralizer filament current limit
R Recall conditions from memory
RC Request running conditions
RN Read values stored in user memory
S Turn source on/off
ST Store running conditions to memory
V Display power supply version
V1 Display power supply version (Condensed)