If you experience dizziness, chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath while exercising, stop
exercising immediately and consult a fitness instructor or physician.
Do not use the treadmill while under the influence of alcohol or any other kind of intoxication.
moving parts, and do not reach under the treadmill with your hands or feet
Before using this equipment, all of the following should consult a physician:
frompelvis and neck.
Persons experiencing numbness of the legs, pelvis, neck and arms (due to herniated discs,
displacement of the vertebrae, cervical spondylosis and other diseases).
Individuals with arthritis, rheumatism, and gout.
Individuals with osteoporosis.
Individuals with cardiovascular disease (heart disease, vascular disease, hypertension,
Persons with respiratory diseases.
Individuals using artificial heart rate monitors such as medical implants and in vivo medical
electronic devices.
Persons with malignant tumors.
Persons with venous thrombosis or severe aneurysm, acute venous tumors and other
vascular disorders, various skin infections and other diseases.
Persons with perceptual disturbances caused by severe peripheral circulatory diseases
caused by diabetes, etc.
Persons with skin lesions.
Persons with a high temperature (above 38 degrees) caused by an illness.
Persons with back and spinal disorders.
Pregnant women, pregnant women, and women who are menstruating.
When used for rehabilitation purposes.
When starting out on the treadmill, assess your physical condition and make sure you have
enough energy for the workout. Exercise regularly, however, remember that incorrect or
excessive training will not benefit your health.
When using the treadmill, when getting up or down from it, make sure that there are no
people or animals nearby (behind, in front, in front of the device).
The product is suitable for home use and is not intended for professional training or
competition. It cannot be used for medical purposes, as well as in schools, gyms and other
public places.
The user acknowledges and assumes all responsibility associated with potential risks when
using the simulator without observing the safety precautions and operating conditions
described in this Instruction Manual.