By entering the function [PROJECT; BANK and SOUND] will be displayed. After selecting
the category, the [LOAD and SAVE AS] options will appear.
6.11 CV Assign
The CV ASSIGN Function is used to address the CV connectors to their destination. The
assignments are made in CV Groups. There are 12 possible Groups, and each group has 6
CV inputs/outputs to be edited. Each Bank can be assigned to any group, this way it is
possible to have the same configuration for all the Banks (Banks 1 to 12 assigned to Group
1) or to have each Bank assigned to a different Group.
The first (1/4) screen of the CV assign corresponds to the configuration of the connector:
select the physical connection, from 1 to 6.
configures it as an INPUT or an OUTPUT
the voltage range being used. 0/10, 0/5, or -5/5
This configuration is common to the whole Project.
The second screen of the CV assign (2/4) menu will show the different parameters to be
changed on each Group and CV.:
select the Group to be edited, from 1 to 12.
select the input/output, from 1 to 6.
the destination. Named “SEND” when the CV is configured as an OUTPUT. The list
of destinations can be found in appendix 1
the SLOT being affected. From 1 to 12 + ALL SLOTS (default). Some destinations,
like SLOT SELECT RANGE, have this parameter deactivated.
attenuation of the input. From 0 to -127 (being 0 no attenuation and -127 fully