Data Rate (Mbps)
Rates of 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54Mbps are supported for the wireless mode of 54Mbps
(802.11a). And, rates of 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 108Mbps are supported for the wireless
mode of 108Mbps (802.11a Turbo). The mode of 108Mbps offers the double data rate than of
In order to maximize the system performance, it is recommended to follow the following
Master Bridge
, it is recommended to set data rate into “best” on Master Bridge to
communicate with Slave Bridges of different distance and signal strength.
Slave Bridge
, it is recommended to check or predict the received signal strength at the
Slave Bridge, and pick a supported data rate for the list.
Transmit Power
Available selections of Transmit Power are Full, Half (-3dB), Quarter (-6dB), Eighth (-9dB),
and Minimum. Select the appropriate Transmit Power according to the distance and
environmental factor between Bridges.
RTS/CTS Threshold
In order to prevent the transmission collision in a hidden nodes environment, Bridge may send
a RTS (Request To Send) before transmitting the data frame and expect to receive a CTS
(Clear To Send) from remote Bridge. Once the frame size is greater than the value you
defined here, the RTS/CTS mechanism would be activated. The valid range is between 256
and 2346. Set low value to this threshold may avoid collision, but the RTS/CTS frame would
consume bandwidth.
Distance (KM)
Setup “Bridge Distance” to be greater than or equal to the real distance between the Bridges.
The WAP-7000 would adjust its parameters to maintain a reliable connection according to this
value. The range can be from 1KM to 28KM. For a Master Bridge, please enter the longest
distance among its Slave Bridges.
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