VRT-401 User Manual
LAN Screen
Use the
link on the main menu to reach the
screen An example screen is
shown below.
Figure 7: LAN Screen
Data - LAN Screen
IP Address
IP address for VRT-401, as seen from the local LAN. Use the
default value unless the address is already in use or your LAN is
using a different IP address range. In the latter case, enter an
unused IP Address from within the range used by your LAN.
Subnet Mask
The default value is standard for small (class "C")
networks. For other networks, use the Subnet Mask for the LAN
segment to which VRT-401 is attached (the same value as the
PCs on that LAN segment).
DHCP Server
If Enabled, VRT-401 will allocate IP Addresses to PCs
(DHCP clients) on your LAN when they start up. The default
(and recommended) value is Enabled.
If you are already using a DHCP Server, this setting must be
Disabled, and the existing DHCP server must be re-
configured to treat VRT-401 as the default Gateway. See the
following section for further details.
Start IP Address
Finish IP Address
fields set the
values used by the DHCP server when allocating IP Ad-
dresses to DHCP clients. This range also determines the
number of DHCP clients supported.
See the following section for further details on using DHCP.
Save the data on screen.
The "Cancel" button will discard any data you have entered and
reload the file from VRT-401.