User’s Manual of VCG-1500WG-LTE
Authentication Server
The port number used by the server
Authentication server
The server authentication path; the two path sides to be added with '/'.
Domain whitelist
Wifidog unshielded domain address, rule format is FirewallRule which allows tcp to XXX.
It is generally used for server using some tools such as QQ, WeChat and other
third-party tools to authenticate. It requires the corresponding domain to be added to the
white list
Internet management
rules and server
If the server's "Internet management" configuration synchronize to a local.
Whether upload
browsing history
Choose whether to upload the user's URL browsing record.
Timing report
Report browsing history Interval; unit is sec.
Given byte report
t will be reported when it reaches set accumulated bytes’ browsing record.Unit is bytes
Note: For the timing report and given bytes report, if one of them complied with the then records has to be reported.
7.3 Application Filtering
Set up certain users’ application filtering, such as video, music, download, URL etc.
Figure 7-3-1 Filtering Configuration