3. Installing and Using VDSL Converter
3.1 Install the Ethernet Over VDSL2 Converter
The Converter does not require any software configuration.
Users can immediately use any feature of this product
simply by attached the cables and plug power on. There is
some key limitation on the Ethernet over VDSL2 converter.
Please check the following items:
● The device is used for Point-to-Point connection only
(Master device to Slave device) and allows data and voice
work on the same telephone or ISDN lines.
● VC-201 Two RJ-11 connectors for VDSL port. One for
voice device connection (like telephone) and the other
one for network link connection.
Depending on the quality of telephone line, the maximum
distance of one VDSL segment is 1.5km (5000ft) with
AWG 24 telephone wires.
● VC-202 1 BNC connector and supports 50 ohm cable.
Depending on the quality of coaxial cable, the maximum
distance of one VDSL segment is 1.6km with 5C coaxial
● The distance will change by the quality of telephone wires
and coaxial cables.
3.1.1 VC-201 LAN to LAN connection
Two sets of the converters could be used to link two local
Area networks that are located in different place. Through
the normal telephone line, it could setup a to 100/55Mbps