The VitalScreen 17.4" Display
The architecture of the VitalScreen
CSR and VitalScreen CR displays
incorporate an active matrix liquid-crystal display (AMLCD) panel that
produces a bright, high-contrast image with low radiation emission.
This technology greatly reduces the radiation-related health concerns
associated with cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitors.
Each VitalScreen is a high-resolution color display designed to be
versatile and easy to use. The display accepts either analog or digital
video (DVI) input and displays most video standards from 640 x 480
(VGA standard) to 1280 x 1024 (SXGA standard). The controls located
on the front panel allow you to easily adjust the display parameters
using onscreen display (OSD) menus.
The digital video input is a single-link, transition minimized differential
signaling (TMDS) digital visual interface (DVI), and is in compliance
with the Digital Display Working Group (DDWG) DVI standard. This
interface produces the sharpest display image possible with little need
for adjustment. The setup is Plug and Play.
Each display has a built-in mounting platform that conforms to the
Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) mounting standard.
This configuration allows the display to be mounted in a variety of
ways, such as on a wall bracket or articulated swing arm. An alternate
configuration with a desk stand is also available for easy use on flat
work surfaces.
Both displays have features making them ideal for hospital applications.
The housing is an acrylic cover that protects the display from bumps,
falls, collisions, and even everyday cleaning. In addition, Planar offers
configuration management to ensure that you receive a consistent and
predictable product.
The Planar 17.4" display series, for the first time, consists of these two
distinct versions: VitalScreen CSR and VitalScreen CR. Both displays
have been designed for hospital use, but they have several differences.
The VESA Flat Panel Monitor Physical Mounting Interface (FPMPMI)
Standard defines physical mounting interfaces for flat-panel displays,
corresponding standards (75 and 100 millimeters) for flat-panel display
mounting devices, and associated cable, cable connectors, and power supply
location guidelines. For more information, refer to www.vesa.org.