Assist Profiles in E-Tube Project
• The E-Tube Project allows saving two profiles with different assist characteristics for different terrain.
• To customize a profile:
1. Under the "Customize" menu, select "Assist". (The active profile will be displayed on this button.)
2. At the top of the "Assist customize" screen, the current profile will be displayed. To choose the other
profile, tap the profile name (or the double arrows) and it will alternate to the other profile.
3. To customize the selected profile, choose "Eco", "Trail", or "Boost" to customize each assistance level.
4. For each assistance level, the Assist Character, Max. Torque, & Assist Start features can be customized
within the range defined by the white slider. Move the colored dot (corresponding to the
selected assistance level), to the desired value for that feature.
• The Shuttle LT comes with two preloaded profiles:
1. Pivot Factory Default: Optimized for balance and control
2. Maximum assistance permitted for all levels
Update Firmware Menu in E-Tube Project
• There is an "Update" menu option listed at the top of the app home screen. To access this feature tap
on the word "Update".
• Under the Update menu option, all connected devices are listed, and the app will display if they are
running the latest firmware, or if it needs to be updated.
• There is also an "Update All" button. By pressing this button, the software automatically searches for
and downloads any update for the system.
• Once the program has completed any updates, each component of the Shimano STEPS E-bike System
will be listed with the corresponding version of the latest firmware for that component.
Maintenance Menu in E-Tube Project
• There is a "Maintenance" menu option listed at the top of the app home screen. To access this feature
tap on the word "Maintenance".
• Under the Maintenance menu option, there is an Error log which will track system errors to provide
better insight into system performance and catalogue any previous issues.
Return to Customize menu
Reset to Default settings
Switch between profiles
ECO settings
TRAIL settings
BOOST settings
Go to "Update" menu
Go to "Customize" menu
Go to "Maintenance" menu