AM2020/AFP1010 Troubleshooting Guide 50432 Revision A 8/13/97
Trouble Codes T2A, T3A, T4A,...etc. apply to Loop Interface Boards 1 through 10
respectively. SCB stands for Serial Communications Bus. The CPU uses the
SCB to communicate with each Loop Interface Board. The CPU and LIBs
constantly handshake with each other. When the CPU sends a message to the
LIB, the LIB will send an acknowledgment back to the CPU if this message has
been received and understood. This error will result when the LIB receives a
message from the CPU that the LIB considers to be invalid because it does not
match the checksum value.
Corrective Action:
1) Remove power from the AM2020/AFP1010, batteries first and then AC. Wait
one minute. Reapply power, AC first, then batteries.
2) If the trouble does not clear, call Notifier Technical Support.
Trouble Codes T2B, T3B, T4B,...etc. apply to Loop Interface Boards 1 through 10
respectively. SCB stands for Serial Communications Bus. The CPU uses the
SCB to communicate with each Loop Interface Board. The CPU and LIBs
constantly handshake with each other. When the CPU sends a message to the
LIB, the LIB will send an acknowledgment back to the CPU if this message has
been received and understood. This error will result when the LIB receives a
message from the CPU but does not send an acknowledgment back.
Corrective Action:
1) Remove power from the AM2020/AFP1010, batteries first and then AC. Wait
one minute. Reapply power, AC first, then batteries.
2) If the trouble does not clear, call Notifier Technical Support.
Trouble Codes T2C, T3C, T4C,...etc. apply to Loop Interface Boards 1 through 10
respectively. This trouble will be generated when the programming in the master
FACP (of a master/slave NIB-96 network) is incorrect. The master is either not
addressing all the NIB-96 points or is addressing too many.
Corrective Action:
1) Correct the NIB-96 point programming in the master FACP.
2) If the trouble does not clear, call Notifier Technical Support.
Trouble Codes T2D, T3D, T4D,...etc. apply to Loop Interface Boards 1 through 10
respectively. This trouble will be generated if the master FACP receives an
invalid response from one of the NIB-96 address points.
Corrective Action:
1) Make sure the NIB-96 is addressed properly.
2) Make sure the correct Type I. D.s are being used for the NIB-96 points.
3) Confirm that no discrete addressable devices (detectors, modules, or pull
stations) are inside the range of the NIB-96.
T2A = LIB #1 T3A = LIB #2
T4A = LIB #3 T5A = LIB #4
T6A = LIB #5 T7A = LIB #6
T8A = LIB #7 T9A = LIB #8
TAA = LIB #9 TBA = LIB #10
Receive Error.
Acknowledge Error.
Programming Error.
Communication Error.
T2B = LIB #1 T3B = LIB #2
T4B = LIB #3 T5B = LIB #4
T6B = LIB #5 T7B = LIB #6
T8B = LIB #7 T9B = LIB #8
TAB = LIB #9 TBB = LIB #10
T2C = LIB #1 T3C = LIB #2
T4C = LIB #3 T5C = LIB #4
T6C = LIB #5 T7C = LIB #6
T8C = LIB #7 T9C = LIB #8
TAC = LIB #9 TBC = LIB #10
T2D = LIB #1 T3D = LIB #2
T4D = LIB #3 T5D = LIB #4
T6D = LIB #5 T7D = LIB #6
T8D = LIB #7 T9D = LIB #8
TAD = LIB #9 TBD = LIB #10