Pilot Light System (Gas machines with Standing Pilot Only);
After your Rethermalizer has been installed, it needs to be adjusted to ensure that it will perform as designed. These
adjustments must be performed by a
qualified person.
To perform these adjustments the following tools will be needed:
Manometer (low pressure gauge) DC Millivolt Meter
The Manual pilot light system lights the main burners and stays lit until the gas valve knob is turned to the OFF
position. The pilot light receives its gas supply through the gas valve. To light the pilot perform the
procedure below.
Each side of the unit has its own gas supply valve. This allows one side to be serviced while
the other is operating. These gas valves should normally be open.
Turn the gas valve knob to the PILOT position and push in on the knob. Hold the knob in for
approximately one minute to purge the air out of the line. Hold a flame to the pilot light until
the pilot ignites. This may take a little while the first time you light the pilot because of air in
the lines. Once lit, hold the knob in for approximately 60 seconds and then release. The pilot
should now remain lit.
c. Turn the gas knob counterclockwise to the ON position.
d. If the pilot goes out repeat step c. The first time the pilot is lit, when the machine is new or after service on the
gas line, you will need to purge the air form the system.
Press the key. The electronic control unit will come on and display the temperature of the water. There will
also be a red light lit between the left and middle digits of the display. This light indicates that the electronic
control unit is calling for heat. If the water level is below the low level sensor the water solenoid valve will
open and fill the tank.
When the water in the tank is at the correct level the main burner will light and be controlled by the electronic
control unit. The pilot burner will remain lit regardless of the switch position.
The burners or elements will remain lit until the temperature reaches 195°F where they will turn off. While the
burners are off the red light in the electronic display will be off. The burners will maintain the water
temperature between 194°F and 196°F.
When the Temperature controller is turned ON the water level will be maintained automatically by the water
fill system.
Pilot Flame Adjustment - The pilot flame should be adjusted to
produce between 400 ± 50 millivolts output from the thermopile.
Figure 2 shows the pilot assembly with examples of the incorrect
and correct pilot size. Example A illustrates a pilot size that is too
small to produce sufficient millivolt output. Example B is the correct
size for proper millivolt output.
This test requires the DC millivolt meter set to a scale of 0-
1000m V. Using leads with sharp probes will help in taking
the required reading.
Figure 2 Pilot Assembly, Flame Adjustment