Chapter 3: Initial Adjustments
Visual Checks and Equipment Locations:
Before you begin filling and adjusting the unit, perform the following visual checks:
Move the Rethermalizer to its permanent cooking position and lock the caster wheels, attach the restraining cable
at the rear of the machine. Ensure that the Rethermalizer drain is lined up with the floor drain.
Check the High Limit probe located inside the tank. Ensure that the mounting screws are tight to prevent the
probe from coming loose during operation. Figure 1 shows the location of the High Limit probe. Temperature
probe, and the Water Level sensors. Also shown are the over flow stand pipe and the water entry nozzle. Look
down inside the Rethermalizer tanks to see the probes.
Filling the Rethermalizer:
The Rethermalizer is equipped with an automatic water level maintaining system. To fill the unit with water press the
key. This causes the solenoid valve to open and supply water to the unit through the fill nozzle in the bottom of the tank.
The tank will continue to fill until the water level reaches the level sensors. When both water level sensors are covered the
solenoid valve will close stopping the flow of water. During normal operation the automatic fill system will maintain the
water level at the proper height.
If the water control system turns on while the main burners or elements are running the main burners or elements will turn
off. This is normal and will not affect the operation of the Rethermalizer. When the tank refills to the high level probe the
solenoid will close and the main burners will relight.
Pilot Light System (Gas machines with Electronic Ignition Pilot only):
There are no adjustments necessary on machines equipped with Electronic Ignition.