Solstice I12 Water Cooker Computer Service
Part #60153301
L20-316 Rev 0
Use the product key
to scroll through choices (F or C). Press
key to save choice.
Display shows [PROGRAM].
To Change Password or Requirement
With factory settings, an operator password is not required to enter programming Levels 1, 2, and 3.
The password may be activated or changed in this section.
With display showing [PROGRAM], press the location key
The display will show [SELECT] [OPTIONS].
Press location key 2, display shows [SET PASS] [NEW PASS].
Use the location key
to scroll through choices [NO PASS] or [PASS REQ]. Press
key to save choice.
If [NO PASS] is selected
Display returns to [PROGRAM].
If [PASS REQ] is selected above
, display will show [PASSnnnn] [NEW PASS] to prompt for new
password. Displayed value “nnnn” is the current password. Use the location keys for numeric
entry to change password. Press
key to save choice. Display shows [PROGRAM].
Note: The factory default password (6684) will always work even if a different password is selected
Beeper Volume and Tone:
Volume and Tone of the beeper alarm may be changed in this section. Volume ranges are 1,2 and 3,
where 3 is the loudest setting. Later model controls have an additional selection for tones.
With display showing [PROGRAM], press the product key
. Display will show
Press location key 3, display shows [VOLUME n] [BEEPER].
Use the product key
to scroll through choices (n= 1,2,3, or T). Beeper volume will
change as each selection is made. Press
key to save choice.
If “T” is selected above, an additional display is shown, [TONE n] [BEEPER]. Use the product key
to scroll through choices (n= 1,2,3). Beeper tone will change as each selection is made.
key to save choice. Display shows [PROGRAM].