Trolley safety distance
2 m
You might need to place
the trolley at the center of
the pool’s long side for the
floating cable to reach.
• Only connect the unit using a RCD
protected power outlet!
• All maintenance must be done with
the pool cleaner disconnected from the
power supply.
• Do not leave the pool cleaner in the
pool whilst not in use.
• No persons are to be in the pool
when the pool cleaner is used.
Uncoil the floating cable
and stretch it out by the pool.
Lower the Piraya
at the starting point, see page 3-4.
Hold the floating cable so the bumper
is facing the pool wall.
Lift off the Piraya
by grasping the handle located inside the filter bag.
Move and turn the Piraya, so the bumper goes free from
it’s safety locking against the transport trolley.