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– Select a file that can be played.
No Media Files
There is no playable file on the disc.
– Check that the files in the disc is
compatible with this product.
Unplayable File
This type of file is not supported on this
– Select a file that can be played.
Audio Code Not Supported
This type of file is not supported on this
– Select a file that can be played.
HUB Error
The connected USB hub is not
supported by this product.
– Directly connect the USB storage
device to this product.
No Response
This product cannot recognize the
connected USB storage device.
– Disconnect the device and replace it
with another USB storage device.
Load Failed
Failed to load the USB storage device.
– Reconnect the USB storage device.
Security for the connected USB storage
device is enabled.
– Follow the USB storage device
instructions to disable security.
This product cannot recognize the
connected USB storage device.
– Disconnect the device and replace it
with another USB storage device.
Device Not Supported
The connected USB storage device is
not supported by this product.
– Disconnect your device and replace it
with a compatible USB storage device.
File Error
This type of file is not supported on this
– Select a file that can be played.
No Media Files
There is no playable file in the USB
storage device.
– Check that the files in the USB storage
device are compatible with this
Unplayable File
This type of file is not supported on this
– Select a file that can be played.
Audio Code Not Supported
This type of file is not supported on this
– Select a file that can be played.
Load Failed
Failed to load the iPhone.
– Disconnect the connected iPhone and
check the iPhone is working properly.
Device Not Supported
The connected iPhone is not supported
by this product.
– Disconnect your device and replace it
with a compatible iPhone.
No Media Files
There is no playable file in the iPhone.
– Check that the files in the iPhone are
compatible with this product.
No Music Files
There is no playable file in the selected
USB storage device