SAT-9/TD-900 Installation and Programming Guide
Dear Installer/Technician
This guide will introduce you with the SAT-9 communicator - its installation and
programming. Please read it in its entireness before installing and programming the SAT-9
and the TD-900. If you have any question, contact your local PIMA distributer, or PIMA
support team directly. See contact details at the end of this guide.
The SAT-9
The SAT-9 is a phone line to radio adapter and
communicator. It is made of the SAT-9 card and
the TRV-100 or TRU-100 Long-range transmitter.
The SAT-9 can be connected to any control panel
and it enables the panel to transmit reports to a
Central Monitoring Station (CMS) via the Radio.
Both transmitters support two frequencies and a
variety of protocols.
The SAT-9 has a built-in encoder and it
performs periodic auto-tests and telephone
line checks.
The parameters of the SAT-9 and the transmitter’
frequencies as well as different transmission
parameters are programmed by the COMAX
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Figure 1.
The SAT-9
The TD-900
For better performance, it is advised to install the SAT-9 within a closed metal box. PIMA
offers such a solution - the TD-900 (see the next figure); The TD-900 is a complete
standalone solution for the SAT-9.
The TD-900 includes the SAT-9
assembled in a closed metal box with
the PS-2 Power Supply and a place for
a backup battery (not included), and an
optional tamper switch protection.
The TD-900 can be used with either
a UHF or VHF transmitter. Note that
the UHF and VHF transmitter use
different antenna connectors
Figure 2.
The TD-900