PX 30 and PX 120 Operating Manual
Error Code
Invalid monitor command
Clearing error (when programming Flash-EPROMs)
ID-code error (when programming Flash-EPROMs)
Write error (when programming Flash-EPROMs)
Text memory too small (when programming Flash-EPROMs)
Error Messages
(from version no. 1.20)
The configuration instruction used to edit the default message after power-up ($B-
command) can also be used to input a text number to indicate the start of the text memory
range for error messages. Any texts (records) stored from this text number onwards will
be assigned error codes (error numbers) directly, ie. the first text in the range will be
assigned the error code 000 (ERROR 000), the next will be assigned error code 002
(ERROR 002) etc.
The error message memory range may contain 256 records (including empty records for
error codes that are not used). If the value of the first text number for error messages lies
between 0001 and 9744, the allocated text will be displayed instead of the ERROR-Code.
If no error message has been edited, the message "ERROR xxx" (xxx ... error code) will
be displayed.
The $B-command should be added in ADIT DOS under the menu heading "Default
Settings" in the line "Max. 40 additional characters:".
Configuration command:
Number of the replacement text for the on-line base message
(default: xxxx = 0000). You should ensure that this number corresponds to
the text number inputted as the default setting.
Text number which starts the text memory range in which error messages
are to be edited.
Procedure after Power-up
When the PX 30 / PX 120 is switched on, an address table for the text memory appears,
among other things. The greater the number of texts, the longer this process will take.
The time delay between power-up and the display being ready is between 0.3 and 3
seconds, during which time the message: "Self-testing" is displayed. You should always
take this time delay into account when switching on your machine. The time loss is
justified when you consider how much more quickly text can be selected during operation,
and how much less memory is taken up in comparison to texts with a fixed start address.
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