Function description
Operating Manual PSS u2 P0 F/S EIP
| 21
The user program must reset this control variable to valid by reintegration. Only then will
the values of the safe inputs be valid again.
FS outputs
Example of the configuration of a restart interlock:
In the user program of the programmable safety system, the value for COS=0 must be
saved in a control variable.
The user program must link this control variable logically to every safe output with AND.
The user program must reset this control variable to valid by reintegration. Only then will
the values of the safe inputs be valid again.
CIP Safety requirements on the user
When using the device with the CIP Safety Protocol, you must verify whether the following
requirements are met:
If you are configuring an SIL3 device directly in the workstation, you must compare the
transferred Safety Configuration ID and configuration data with the Safety Configuration
ID and configuration data displayed in the workstation.
You must run your own user tests to verify that the configuration data has been down-
loaded correctly.
LEDs are not safe and should only be used for non-safety-related purposes. Use LEDs
only for general diagnostics during commissioning or troubleshooting. Do not use LEDs
for display during operation.
For every safety network or safety subnet, you must issue a Safety Network Number
(SNN) that is unique across the entire system.
If you configure the Safety Configuration Identifier (SCID), also known as the Configura-
tion Signature, of a safety connection with “0”, you must ensure that the scanner and the
adapter are configured correctly.
In the scanner you must only use the “automatic” setting for the Safety Network Number
(SNN) if the system is not safety-related.
Before installing a safety device in a safety network, you must delete a configuration
already existing on this device.
Before changing a safety device, you must ensure that the replacement device is con-
figured correctly. After making the change, verify that the exchanged device is working
System reaction times
The reaction time of the digital inputs is the time a PSS u2 system needs for a fieldbus tele-
gram to be completed in the head module once a signal has changed at an input.
The reaction time of the digital outputs is the time a PSS u2 system needs to change a sig-
nal at the output once a fieldbus telegram has been received in the head module.
ST reaction time (typically) = 2 x ST cycle time + tProc = 2 ms + tProc
tProc: Processing time of the input and output modules (see Technical details in the oper-
ating manual for the respective modules)
FS reaction time (max.) = 3 x FS cycle time + tProc = 6 ms + tProc